Labels:grass | lodestone | reckoner | sand | sidewalk | sky | water OCR: abedef ghijklmnopgrstuow.ays AB6DEFGR JJ.K CANOPOR AVAPXYZ 01 28456 789 ~1@#s% &0 <//{}|\":/ The guich brownfo-cjungbr-over delazy dog. 18 The guick brown fo.x jumps over thelazy dog 24 Thoguich brown fox jumps over thelazy do g. 36 The guick brown fox jumps oer the lary do 48 The guick brown ox jumps over the lazy do M 60 he guick browny iumbs oven the lary do- 9 he quick brown jumps oer the lany B60P CAIN 0F9R STAAAPO 0123456 auich iumps